Newcastle, what a gorgeous city!
Had a fantastic 4 days in Newcastle, spent most of the time in Northumberland street and Eldon Square. Ate too much, shopped too much and the weather was a mixed bag of rain, with some sunshine in between. Had a really relaxing time and just vegged out for a while, which was good for the soul!
Back to my home town of Edinburgh and headed straight into fog and drizzle, ah but it was good to be back. My niece immediately took charge and dragged me to the fudge shop on the royal mile, (http://www.myworldwebcams.com/uk/edinburgh_royal_mile.html) delicious, but pricey, then she needed to have a look around the shops as she was running out of accessories - she's 9!!
As is always my custom, I have haggis on my first night back, good Scottish lass that I am, it's just scrumptious. The weather brightened up and it was off to the cinema to see Shrek, took my nan as well, who loved it just as much as my niece!
My family duties called and I spent half a day looking at hotels on the internet for my mum's trip to Marrakesh and trying to find somewhere nearby that had a printer to print off her boarding passes and get all checked in - she's a worry monkey and it just had to be done there and then to give her peace of mind!!!
My last day in Edinburgh was a glorious one, sun was shining, met my sister for an early morning cinema session, Twilight Eclipse, lunch and a bottle of wine at a lovely little place at the shore side, beautiful location and quite busy.
All in all a successful trip, 2 wonderful cities, perfect for a much needed break away.
Back to the heat and sunshine, it's good to be home!!!
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